Black Bottle
Blended Scotch Whisky 40%
“Whoa, Black Bottle, Damn it’s bad” – to the tune of Black Betty by Ram Jam
Region: Scotland
Age: 10 Year Old
Strength: 40% ABV
Colouring: Yes
Chill Filtered: Yes
Slaps: Better than it drinks
Extra Information:
This is one of the newer rereleases of Black Bottle, following the redesign.
When I first got into the Whisky World on Instagram, this bottle was plastered everywhere praising the high quality liquid gold at a bargain price point. Now I am both a sucker for bargains and was easily swayed in my early days online.
Older versions of Black Bottle were widely praised (and still are) for providing a peaty punch in the world of budget blends. It is now having a revival, with the blend “returning to its old routes” despite the original Black Bottle being a blend of all the 7 Islay distilleries (at that time) but now Bunnahabian is the only Islay malt confirmed.
If you take the time, Black Bottle photographs well. Its deep solid black glass bottle with bold vintage gold label provides plenty of contrast. Well, it does in the influencers photos. After my first few glasses, I was less infused to put the effort in. Anyway, I am jumping ahead.
The etched date on the bottle is a nice touch which highlights the mid-quality screwcap nicely. They do have a nice website and are aiming for the mixer market. I feel this is a smart move.
Now it is my own fault going in with expectations of Ardbeg, Talisker or Highland style peat to roundhouse my nostrils. Instead, it is more of limp campfire smoke lingering out of the glass with some fresh fruit taking centre stage. Apples and pears are the most interesting notes which combine nicely with some chalky oak.
A drop of water provided a nice bit of salted toffees to the mix but sacrificed all hints of peat.
The textured is so thin it comes across as cold on the lips. I am surprised that this is even 40%. However, I want to focus on the positives as every dram has its day. I am yet to find this day and have even given this bottle plenty of time to open up and develop.
Writing notes has been a struggle due to the taste never developed further than rainwater filled ashtrays with a glimmer of ash laced spices and sprinkled cigarettes in honey.
Now, it is possible that I have had a duff bottle and that Black Bottle is a beautifully brilliant bargain. However, using my own experience it is not recommended unless you like the taste of wet ashes. If you do, please use my referral link and get yourself a bargain on Amazon. Maybe as a mixer, it comes into its own…
Experience: 3/6
Nose: 2/6
Taste: 2/6
Value: 2/6
9/24 Jeffs
Verdict: Whoa, Black Bottle (Bam-ba-lam)
These reviews are done solely for entertainment and reference purposes. I am not a writer, just someone who wants to blab on about booze so please excuse the many spelling and grammatical mistakes.
While I try to ensure all information is accurate do let me know if you see any mistakes.
You’ve had a duff bottle.
A couple of people have said that it may be. Too hesitant to buy another one to try though! Cheers Gordon.
It’s not that bad. But I preferred the original so would say I prefer Famous Grouse Smokey Black these days.
I have heard that the original was a really great whisky. Yet to try Smokey Grouse, seen quite a few different releases like their ruby port one which is interesting. Cheers!
Not a duff bottle my overall experience too. The previous iteration of Black Bottle was truly a great Whisky at the price and contributed to me starting to enjoy Whisky a lot more. This current bottle experiment reminds me of accountants running an art gallery.
Hey Tiaan, I really will need to try find some old Black Bottle! Accountants running an art gallery is a great summary for it, I will have to use this in the future. Cheers!
I’ve just had my second dram fare oot a bottle bocht twa days syne.
Years bye, this was a regular tipple o’ oors- but I’ll tell ye this. This yin’ll be the last bocht wi’ ony siller o’ mine.
It’s like stuff that in the past micht hae bin rubbed on a we’an’s chest come the dark months in the year’s back end.
Man, it’s gye coorse. Some sweetness there fails tae disguise the basic hoorishness in this low end uisge beatha.
Juist awa the noo tae see if the teeth in ma mooth still hae ony enamel left… As for the rest o’t, it’ll gang in the paraffin lamp whaur maybe its rankness when making’ licht micht gie way tae a certain trace o’ the decency it lacks if treated like a decent dram. Which latter it maist certainly isnae how it is.